Monday, September 15, 2008

Camped Out!

In August we went camping as a family 3 weekends in a row, 4 for me because of girls camp, and I think I am done camping for the year! The first camping trip was to Bear Lake for a weekend of fun on the beach, but it was a little cooler than we'd expected, luckily we were prepared!

It was a lot of fun, and the next weekend was the elders quorum camp out at Perception Point. We had fun playing volleyball with everyone, and making super messy smores. Not so much fun listening to our boys cry half the night.

The next weekend was our annual Labor Day camp out with my family in the Uintahs. We went to my parents' stakes property at Lake Lyman. We got to do some canoeing, hiking, fishing, napping, playing with cousins, chasing squirrels, and a lot of chasing the boys around and wiping the dirt off them!

This is the picture Nate got of the squirrel that was protesting our camping by chucking pine cones at us the whole time we were there. Mostly at my Dad's truck, which was really loud when they hit! You can see the pine cone it just released during one of it's assaults!

We hiked and Neil napped, shots of the fishermen, Uncle Daniel in the hammock with Cody, Neil chasing Bradley, and the view in the evening of Lake Lyman!


Unknown said...

We put our camper to gut use in August didnt we.

Cordell and Sarah said...

I'm glad our kids aren't the only ones that seem to have trouble sleeping while camping. Next time I'm putting them in a seperate tent so they can kick at each other all they want and work it out themselves. :) Wish we could have been camping with you. Tent trailer sounds nice. Right now we need decent mattresses!!!

Zabriskie Family said...

I love camping. Especially at bear lake. We will have to go next year for sure!