Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why I Can't Shower...

At least before the boys have finished eating breakfast. I thought that they'd be so occupied with eating that I could slip away for a quick shower, but apparently not:

Neil takes after his mom, we've gotta have our cold cereal!


Brittany said...

lol!! oh my, can I just say-- i know exactly how you feel!!! that is hilarious!

Unknown said...

Neils latest trick is to "lounge" at the table. This is way beyond placing the elbows on the table, he kicks back, extends his legs and puts his ankles on the table.

Zabriskie Family said...

Haha He is so cute... I know you probably didn't think so at the moment. I can't wait for tomorrow!

Carleton & Robyn said...

hehehe! There's never a break from being a mom. I'm glad you had fun in Vegas.