Friday, August 21, 2009

Camping and Sailing at Flaming Gorge!!

In the middle of July we went camping with some of the Tanner Family up to Flaming Gorge!

Liz and Rex made dinner the first night, (a secret recipe and Nate tried sneaking a peak?)
The boys really enjoyed David and Acacia's breakfast supreme the next morning, also their cute new puppy Titan! Then after a very fun and unforgettable experience on the river in Jensen's half inflated barrel raft, we went sailing on Grandpas boat and swimming in the dam. Neil loved Tanner, they kept each other entertained!

Cody did lots of drawing, Sophie looked cute in her dresses, Neil got hurt a lot, (especially when he tried to fight a cactus patch and lost) and Cole made lots of faces. Life was pretty normal.

We went sailing again the next day, it was a little colder and windier that day and the kids were getting a little restless, so they decided to go for another swim anyway!

Watch where you're kicking Cody! We couldn't keep Cody out of the water or get Neil in it! It was a beautiful day for sailing, and catching crawdads for a late night snack! What a fun trip!


Carleton & Robyn said...

So much fun! I love the one of Neil crying and you with you mad face. What a beautiful area. How are you guys doing?

Cordell and Sarah said...

So cute Catherine!! I love all the pics. Missing you guys already. It was so fun to have the kids get reaquainted. Sylvia was talking about Neil today. Cute, cute kids!!!

Kelly said...

Didn't know you had a blog! Just thought you guys were all about the facebook...glad to be able to check up on you guys!!

Brittany said...

love all your posts! what a fun summer you guys had! it's so sad to see it coming to an end... p.s. i love the water slide pics... you are right..your honey is a white boy!! tell him he needs a brighter color of shorts, he's starting to blend in with jk. see you soon.