This is the little frozen river right behind our cabin we shared with Liz and Rex's family. Paul and Joann shared a yurt with D.J., David and Acacia and little Evia.
Over Valentine's/ President's Day weekend we escaped the cold and took a 16 hour drive down to Tucson Arizona to visit Nate's brother Chris and his wife Brittany. It was a long drive but D.j. came with us and helped A LOT with the boys in the back, and their occasional puke!
It was sunny and warm and the boys were fascinated with the red dirt and ALL the cactus!
We spent a day at "Old Tucson" which was all about cowboys and the wild west, it was fun "driving" old fashioned cars, eating pricey pizza and watching gun shows and stunt shows.
Neil wore his sunglasses like that in purpose, the whole day, he said he was a surfer!
We rode on and old fashioned carousel Cody loved it, but Neil spent the whole ride staring at the scary looking horse behind him, wondering when it was going to catch up to him!
The boys wanted to ride the train first thing when we got there and not many people where there yet, so no one else was on the train, it was like our own private ride, and the boys loved it! They thought the conductor was pretty cool too!
It was so warm and so fun to be with family that it was hard to leave, especially coming back home to more snow!