Should be the windy state! We went there this last weekend to visit Nate's brother Chris and his wife Brittany, there 2 dogs and 2 cats. Nate and Chris went fishing and had good success!
While the rest of us, minus the pets, went shopping, without success. Apparently there is not enough toddlers in Rollins to have a need for the 2 stores in town to carry any undershirts. So Neil got to wear one of Cody's for a couple days, it only hung out 3 inches past his shirt, which came in handy for wiping his nose!
We had fun playing guitar hero world tour, keeping the boys and the cats from destroying each other, relaxing watching movies, and eating at Sanford's, watching Neil demolish his spaghetti!

He ate that whole bowl of spaghetti, plus some of his breadstick, a side of applesauce and some ice cream! Good times, good times!